Programming tutorials

programming tutorials for Ruby, Rails, Gtk, Elasticsearch etc.
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I just released stup, a tool for easily keeping organized daily notes in the terminal. You can find it on GitHub here.
Mongoid - Inheritance: change embedded document's type via nested attributes
How to change the type of an embedded document via nested attributes.

How to alias and navigate to directories with autocomplete in Linux
A Linux shell script for registering directory aliases and navigating to them with tab completion.

Dockerizing a Rails application
A step by step tutorial to dockerize a Rails application and run it in Docker with PostgreSQL and Redis.

Creating a chat application from scratch using Rails and WebSockets
A step by step tutorial for creating a chat application with Rails and WebSockets (ActionCable).

Elasticsearch bucket aggregations and faceted navigation - facets
A step by step tutorial for using Elasticsearch bucket aggregations to implement faceted navigation a.k.a. facets.

Indexing and full text searching Linux man pages

In this post we are going to play around with full text searching Linux man pages using Elasticsearch.

Creating a bash completion script
A tutorial for adding tab completion to your scripts using the Bash Programmable Completion functionality.

Creating a Linux Desktop application with Ruby

Lately I was experimenting with GTK and its Ruby bindings and I decided to write a tutorial introducing this functionality. In this post we are going to create a simple ToDo application (something like what we created here with Ruby on Rails) using the gtk3 gem a.k.a. the GTK+ Ruby bindings.

Using elasticsearch in a Rails application

In this tutorial we are going to create a Ruby on Rails application that will use elasticsearch to allow users to store and search their content. The sample application will be a stupid simple blog and the data will be, what else, posts. The integration with elasticsearch will be accomplished via the elasticsearch gems for Rails and we will use Kibana to view and check our index configuration.

Rails sample API & UI application consuming it

I recently created a simple Rails 4 API named LofoCats API and a simple UI application consuming it named LofoCats UI (yes, I like cats, what else is new?)

Displaying posts 1 - 10 out of a total of 15.